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作者:zlucas 栏目:新手园地

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研讨翻译 RS-422 and RS-485 Application Note 第2章 -2-

Biasing an RS-485 Network




When an RS-485 network is in an idle state, all nodes are in listen (receive) mode. Under this condition there are no active drivers on the network, all drivers are tristated. Without anything driving the network, the state of the LINE is UNKNOWN. If the voltage level at the RECEIVER’s A and B inputs is less than ±200 mV the LOGIC level at the OUTPUT of the RECEIVERs will be the VALUE of the last bit received. In order to maintain the proper idle voltage state, bias RESISTORs must be applied to force the data LINEs to the idle condition. Bias RESISTORs are nothing more than a pullup RESISTOR on the data B LINE (typically to 5 volts) and a pulldown (to ground) on the data A LINE. Figure 2.4 illustrates the placement of bias RESISTORs on a transceiver in a two-wire configuration. Note that in an RS-485 four-wire configuration, the bias RESISTORs should be placed on the RECEIVER LINEs. The VALUE of the bias RESISTORs is dependent on termination and NUMBER of nodes in the SYSTEM. The goal is to generate enough DC bias current in the network to maintain a MINIMUM of 200 mV between the B and A data LINE. Consider the following two examples of bias RESISTOR calculation.

[译者语]The VALUE of the bias RESISTORs is dependent on termination and NUMBER of nodes in the SYSTEM一句似乎很有E文特色,就着它“译”出来。只是其中关键是“termination”一词如何能与“VALUE”有关?

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Figure 2.4 - Transceiver with Bias Resistors

Example 1. 10 node, RS-485 network with two 120 W termination RESISTORs

例1 含两个120Ω终端电阻的10节点RS-485网络



Each RS-485 node has a load impedance of 12KΩ. 10 nodes in parallel give a load of 1200 Ω. Additionally, the two 120 Ω termination RESISTORs result in another 60 W load, for a total load of 57 Ω. Clearly the termination RESISTORs are responsible for a majority of the loading. In order to maintain at least 200mV between the B and A LINE, we need a bias current of 3.5 mA to flow through the load. To create this bias from a 5V supply a total series resistance of 1428 Ω or less is required. Subtract the 57 Ω that is already PART of the load, and we are left with 1371 Ω. Placing half of this VALUE as a pullup to 5V and half as a pulldown to ground gives a maximum bias RESISTOR VALUE of 685Ω for each of the two biasing RESISTORs.


Example 2. 32 node, RS-485 network without termination




Each RS-485 node has a load impedance of 12KΩ. 32 nodes in parallel gives a total load of 375 Ω. In order to maintain at least 200 mV across 375Ω we need a current of 0.53 mA.  To generate this current from a 5V supply requires a total resistance of 9375W maximum. Since 375 Ω of this total is in the RECEIVER load, our bias RESISTORs must add to 9KΩ or less. Notice that very little bias current is required in SYSTEMs without termination.




Bias RESISTORs can be placed anywhere in the network or can be split among multiple nodes. The parallel combination of all bias RESISTORs in a SYSTEM must be equal to or less than the calculated biasing requirements. B&B ELECTRONICS uses 4.7KΩ bias RESISTORs in all RS-485 products. This VALUE is adequate for most SYSTEMs without termination. The SYSTEM designer should always calculate the biasing requirements of the network. Symptoms of under biasing range from decreased noise immunity to complete data failure. Over biasing has less effect on a SYSTEM, the primary result is increased load on the drivers. Systems using PORT powered RS-232 to RS-485 converters can be sensitive to over biasing.

偏置电阻可以放在网络的任何位置或分别放到网络中的多处节点。系统中,所有偏置电阻并联后的总阻抗必须等于或小于计算出的偏置要求值。B&B Electonics公司所有的RS-485产品用4.7KΩ偏置电阻。此值适用于多数没有终端电阻的系统。系统设计师务必计算网络的偏置要求(值)。在偏置范围以下,则存在降低噪声的抗干扰性导致数据失效的symptoms。

Extending the Specification



Some SYSTEMs require longer distances or higher NUMBERs of nodes than supPORTed by RS-422 or RS-485. Repeaters are commonly used to overcome these barriers. An RS-485 repeater such as B&B ELECTRONICS’ 485OP can be placed in a SYSTEM to divide the load into multiple segments. Each “refreshed” signal is capable of driving another 4000 feet of CABLE and an additional 31 RS-485 loads.




Another method of increasing the NUMBER of RS-485 nodes is to use low load type RS-485 RECEIVERs. These RECEIVERs use a higher input impedance to reduce the load on the RS-485 drivers to increase the total NUMBER of nodes. There are currently half and quarter load integrated CIRCUIT RECEIVERs available, extending the total allowable NUMBER of nodes to 64 and 128.
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