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  • 如何Linux操作系统驱动程序编写

    时的this引用)。 一个网络设备最基本的方法有初始化、发送和接收。 deliver packets receive packets queue (dev_queue_xmit()) |them(netif_rx()) methods and variables(initialize,open,close,hard_xmit, interrupt handler,config,resources,status…) send to hardware receivce from hardware hardware media 初始化程序完成硬件的初始化、device中变量的初始化和系统资源的申请。发送程序是在驱动程序的上层协议层有数据要发送时自动调用的。一般驱动程序中不对发送数据进行缓存,而是直接使用硬件的发送功能把数据发送出去。接收数据一般是通过硬件中断来通知的。在中断处理程序里,把硬件帧信息填入一个skbuff结构中,然后调用netif_rx()传递给上层处理。 2.2 网络驱动程序的基本方法 网

  • MOXAIR推出全新的Moxair PowerPure Hardware逻辑内核

    lcd背光控制专业厂商moxair公司日前宣布正式推出全新的moxair powerpure hardware逻辑内核,这一创新性的产品可节省高达70%的显示屏能耗,从而将手机、pda、上网本和笔记本电脑等设备的电池续航能力大幅提升高达40%以上。 moxair独有的content adaptive backlight control technology(内容自适应背光控制)技术能够在保持显示图像播放质量的同时极大降低lcd液晶显示屏的背光能耗。moxair公司原有的主打产品powerpure系列是基于arm11和ti omap等嵌入式平台实现的软件应用,此次推出的moxair powerpure hardware可独立于软件操作系统,简化了在多种平台系统中的应用,而且进一步提升了系统整体节能水平。 德州仪器公司全球无线系统事业部经理markus tremmel在ctia行业贸易大展上介绍ti-omap应用moxair技术演示时表示:“moxair的powerpure技术做到了在大幅度降低能耗的同时保持了最佳的显示质量。” moxair powerpure hardware作为

  • NXP汽车无线电CD/MP3解决方案

    mplete, highly integrated car radio cd / mp3 player sub-system. this cost effective and easy-to-use system solution reduces development time and cost, helping you create high quality end-products quickly and simply.this integrated and cost-effective hardware and software reference solution lets manufacturers bring high-quality car audio systems to market fast. it provides a quick and easy path for product differentiation that is vital in the highly competitive after-sales market, and it also serves the

  • 基于TinyOS的CC2420驱动组件的研究

    c2420无线收发模块驱动组件设计作了深入的研究,以组件的形式将其硬件功能封装成接口供上层软件调用,实现了对上层软件的硬件特征屏蔽,从而实现该模块功能的软件语言表达和兼容性较强的跨平台抽象体系结构。 引言 网络节点是构成无线传感器网络的基本单位,无线传感器网络节点有两种常用体系结构:atmel avr处理器+tinyos[1]和msp430+tinyos[2].本文采用 atmega128l+tinyos的体系结构。因此,cc2420驱动组件设计应符合tinyos的硬件抽象体系结构(hardware abstraction architecture,haa)[3].tinyos中将硬件抽象体系结构分为3层:硬件表示层(hardware presentation layer,hpl)、硬件适配层(hardware adapation layer,hal)和硬件接口层(hardware interface layer,hil)。各层功能作用及具体设计原理在本文中作了细致的研究。cc2420是一款基于ieee 802.15.4协议的低功耗无线收发模块。本文根据硬件抽象体系结构的原则,对cc242

  • 数字信号控制器改善了汽车电子中马达的控制性能

    scs are excellent at executing the complex, high-speed mathematical functions required by many automotive electronics systems. dscs, such as microchip's dspic, offer a seamless migration path and pin-for-pin compatibility, which enable the re-use of hardware and software building blocks. this combination of a 16-bit mcu with dsp capabilities enhances the performance of automotive electronic systems, while lowering system costs and enabling designers to get products to market faster. the dsc co

  • MOXAIR推出全新的Moxair PowerPure Hardware逻辑内核

      LCD背光控制专业厂商Moxair公司日前宣布正式推出全新的Moxair PowerPure Hardware逻辑内核,这一创新性的产品可节省高达70%的显示屏能耗,从而将手机、PDA、上网本和笔记本电脑等设备的电池续航能力大幅提升高达40%以上。


  • Win32环境下一种通用控制软件的实现方法

    ware in win32 circumstance cai wenzhai (the 39th institute,electronics science & technology group corp oration of china,xi′an,710065,china) abstract:in this paper,an universal control system software method is introduced,the method abstract hardware device with steam object, cont rol software only operate the steam objectread and write all hardware sensor d atausing each threads singly,each the event synchronize the threads, synchroni zation event is created by the interrupt,the interrupt is c

  • 系统级芯片设计技术

    s for programs such as the u.s. department of defense joint tactical radio system (jtrs) program. it is the industry’s first sdr kit to support partial reconfiguration and sca-enabled system-on-chip (soc). the jtrs sdr kit consists of reconfigurable hardware and software elements that are compliant with jtrs-mandated specifications, including the software communications architecture (sca). the kit leverages the low-power, high-performance digital signal processing (dsp) features of xilinx® virtex

  • 当前计算机技术发展对基于PC机自动测试系统的影响

    系统的影响。计算机硬件的发展包括微处理器、数据采集系统、计算机总线、仪器总线、pc卡和外部解决方案;软件技术的发展,包括操作系统、测试系统软件的开发。 关键词 数据采集系统 isa总线 pci总线 仪器总线 通用串行总线(usb) 多线程 labview 虚拟仪器 computer technology advancements impactpc-based automated test system abstract:recent advancements of computer hardware and software technology impact pc-based automated test system.the advanced hardware include processor,data acquisition system,computer bus,instrument bus,pc card and external solution.the advanced software include operation system and test system so

  • 华邦电子推出新系列之省电温度监控芯片

    华邦电子推出全新系列之高准度省电温度监测芯片(hardware monitoring ic)-w83l771awg/773g/775g,该系列产品配合可程序化切换速率(programmable conversion rate)及待命模式(standby mode)的亲和设计,有效降低工作电流,提供高效能微处理器的运算系统,例如笔记本计算机、桌上型计算机及服务器绝佳的省电优势。 w83l771awg/773g/775g系列产品除了本身即为一灵敏的温度传感器,w83l771awg再搭配一组远程温度传感器,共提供两组精准的温度侦测器;w83l773g/775g则另外搭配两组的远程温度传感器,共提供三组精准的温度侦测器,能有效提供对温度敏感的系统环境最佳的保护与监控。 w83l771awg/775g系列除了监控温度,使用者亦可依本身需求设定临界温度。当监控温度超过临界温度时,芯片会发出过温警示讯号,使用者可根据此一警示讯号启动各项过温保护装置,甚或关闭系统以免系统受损。此外,考虑噪声对温度量测准确度的影响,提供远程温度传感器一个噪声过滤器,能有效将噪声对温度量测准确度的干扰降到最低。本系列产品

  • BSE Group成立BSE Tech 扩展前端设备市场

    group 首席执行官兼总裁 doug elder 表示。 bse tech 已经在亚利桑那州坦普签署协议长期租赁75,000平方英尺的设施,较 asia tech 的原有设施面积扩大了一倍。新的地点还将拥有15,000平方英尺的清洁室,目前正在建设中。asia tech 总裁 francis colligan 将加入 bse tech 担任副总裁。asia tech 的全体员工现在成为 bse tech 的一部分。 “透过我们的 bse tech 和 test advantage hardware 公司,bse group具有强大的前端和后端设备及解决方案,已在半导体行业作好充分准备。”bse group 执行副总裁 colin scholefield 表示,“此外,这两家公司为我们提供灵活的设备和融资模式,这是我们在去年收购 test advantage hardware 时引入的。在过去6个月中,我们公司通过这种商业模式经历了强劲的增长。我们已经完成了前端设备市场的几笔交易,并热切期望 bse tech 将在这个市场快速扩张。”

  • SST89C58电子盘电路及代码

    相关元件pdf下载:sst89c58 74hc573 reference design for sst ata-disk chip into 8051 microcontrollerapplication noteabstract: this application note introduces the hardware and firmware of reference design for sst ata-disk chip sst58sd/ldxxx into sst flashflex51 sst89c54/58 (8051 compatible microcontroller).1. hardware connections: please reference to attached schematic diagram for hardware connections. sst ata-disk chip (adc) sst58sd/ldxxx only supports one working mode, ie. ata/i

  • Easy-Downloader V1.1 with SDCC

    ce. after i succeeded writing a new firmware of xtimer and easy-downloader v1.1 with sdcc. i cannot stop preparing a new page that gives the idea how to use sdcc and of course it's time to renovate my old project with orcad. for now i can design the hardware, draw a schematic, write the firmware and layout the pcb. so i think why shouldn't begin with easy-downloader. since the programmer board will enable learning and developing the small project with a cheap 20-pin mcu easily. figure 1: complete hardw

  • xTimer V1.0

    as a preset time value that was commonly used, e.g. -1, 0, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. when time-out, display will show 0, and the output bit is activated. the optional two buzzers are for timer1 and timer2 alarm. i made this output alarm for kitchen use. hardware schematic complete schematic is shown in fig 2. the mcu is at89c4051 with 11.0592mhz xtal. the max7219 needs only three signals, clk, din and load. these signals are software generated assembly code. you may learn how assembly code interface with c

  • 中辉盛电子 联发科技推出无线连接四合一单芯片MT6620

    : 低功耗、小封装和高性能的wi-fi/蓝牙/gps/fm 解决方案 wi-fi 802.11 a/b/g/n 双频单流 (20/40mhz),集成双频lna 和2.4ghz pa 集成pa,支持蓝牙4.0+hs  支持gps/galileo/qzss/sbas,-165dbm tracking sensitivity fm tx/rx,支持rds/rbds 支持wi-fi direct 和wapi hardware encryption  支持fm over bluetooth plc (packet loss concealment) 技术,实现卓越音频质量 先进的alwayslocatetm location awareness 技术,超低功耗 包括单sdio的灵活host interfaces,适于所有的无线功能 欢迎转载,信息来自维库电子市场网(www.dzsc.com)

  • 自己动手制造at89c51编程器 (英文)

    atmel 89 series flash microcontroller programmer ver 3.0 introductionthis programmer was designed in view of to be flexible, economical and easy to built, the programmer hardware utilizes the standard ttl series parts and no special components are used. the programmer is interfaced with the pc parallel port and there is no special requirement for the pc parallel port, so the older computers can also be used with this programmer. supported devicesthe programmer software supports the foll

  • 编译VIVI的时候出了点问题,请教一下,多谢

    deo/video.o \ lib/priv_data/priv_data.o \ net/net.o \ \ -o vivi-elf -l/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.2 -lgcc -lcgnu ld version 2.14.90 20030820/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-ld: error: lib/lib.o uses hardware fp, whereas vivi-elf uses software fp成功: failed to merge target specific data of file lib/lib.o/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-ld: error: drivers/serial/serial.o uses hardware fp, whereas vivi-elf uses software fp成功: failed to merge target specif

  • 100个最佳linux站点,请参考!(转贴)

    有技术爱好者所关心的信息。而且在当今充盈着"链接到----网站"的情况下,该站点还做了其他此类网站没有时间去真正做的事————自己亲自动手写稿件。 (5) wide open news 网址:http://www.wideopen.com 评介:该站点的新闻区经常包含一些相当有意义的专题特写和文章,而且一般都由专业记者撰写。wide open news站点每周都会发布一些原创作品,而且通常稿件质量都很高。喜欢浏览行业新闻的不妨去感受一番。 (四)通用硬件 (1) linux hardware 网址: http://www.linuxhardware.net/ 评介:linux hardware站点中包括一个内容非常广泛的linux系统中所有的硬件信息数据库。用户既可以浏览这些数据库资料,也可以使用该站点的搜索引擎来快速查找所需要的硬件资料。同样,该站点也允许搜索usenet 组。其中linux friendly hardware vendor 列表也是另一个特点所在。 (2) linux hardware database 网址:http://lhd.datapower.com 评

  • 编译VIVI的时候出了点问题,请教一下,多谢

    deo/video.o \ lib/priv_data/priv_data.o \ net/net.o \ \ -o vivi-elf -l/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.2 -lgcc -lcgnu ld version 2.14.90 20030820/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-ld: error: lib/lib.o uses hardware fp, whereas vivi-elf uses software fp成功: failed to merge target specific data of file lib/lib.o/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-ld: error: drivers/serial/serial.o uses hardware fp, whereas vivi-elf uses software fp成功: failed to merge target specif

  • 谐波计算程序请教

    pectrum, x(n). */__no_init int x_n_re[n];/* * tmp_32 * * a union that allows accessing the individual 16-bit * words of a 32-bit double word as well as the entire * double word. this union is used by the multiplication * macros that make use of the hardware multiplier and * convert the multiplication result to q8.7 notation. */__no_init union{ long tmp_32; struct { int lsw; // least significant 16-bit word int msw; // most significant 16-bit word } tmp_16;};/* * hardware multiplier macros *

  • 不是我程序问题就是2200的BUG。希望是我程序问题!不然我跳楼了

    2200系列的uart bug一般是在判断前先将寄存器内容读至一暂存变量较好.下面是与uart相关的bug介绍,:uart.1 coinciding vpb read and hardware register update.introduction: reading the contents of the iir,lsr and msr registers will clear certain bits in the register.1. reading the iir should clear the thre status if thre is the highest priority pending interrupt(only affects uart1).2. reading lsr should clear the oe/pe/fe/bi bits (affects both uart0 and uart1).3. reading msr should clear the delta dcd/trailing edge ri/delta dsr/delta cts bits (only


HANNING HANMI HANA HAIER1232S HA9P5127-5Z HA7-5221/883 HA741 HA7210 HA51339SP-3 HA51339SP


HY57V643220DT-6 HMC349LP4CE HSMP-3820-TR1G H5PS1G63EFR-S6C HFBR-1521Z HBFP-0420-TR1 HD64F3039F18 HAT2020R-EL HD74HC161FPEL H5DU1262GTR-E3C




* 型号
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OEM清单文件: OEM清单文件










