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历史最低报价:¥0.0800 历史最高报价:¥4.0000 历史平均报价:¥1.1471


  • 铁电场效应晶体管

    ctric memories〔j〕.science,1989,246:1400~1405.〔2〕 geideman w a.progress in ferroelectric memory technology〔j〕ieee trans ultrason ferroelectron freq control,1991,38:704~741.〔3〕 wu y s.a new ferroelectric memory device,metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor transistor〔j〕.ieee trans electron dev,1974,ed-21:499~504.〔4〕 kalkur t s,kulkarni j,lu y c,et al .metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor characteristics of bit thin film on silicon 〔j〕 . ferroelectrics,1991,116:135~146.〔5〕 brown a r,pomp a, de leeuw d m,et al.precur

  • 新日本无线电流型单H桥式驱动器开始样品供货

    驱动器相比,封装由dip22(27.81×9.02×5.33mm)→dip16-d2 (19.18×6.35×5.33mm),减少了52%;emp24(15.4×10.3×2.5mm)→emp16-d2(10.3×10.3×2.5mm),减少了33%。在采用奇数个直流电动机时能更节省空间。 此外,njm2675采用了60v耐压设计,动作电压范围为4~55v,能够灵活适应5v、12v、24v、48v等多种电源电压需求,有助于简单化设计,可降低设计人员的负担。 更进一步,因为采用了ttl(transistor transistor logic)互换级的逻辑输入,可使用微型计算机等进行控制,不仅适用于电压驱动,还适用于pwm电流驱动,同样可以实现正反转切换、制动功能。 njm2675 ① 控制方式采用3输入逻辑(in1,in2,enable),直流电动机可实现正转、反转、制动、待机等动作。 ② 控制输入端子可采用lv-ttl(low voltage transistor transistor logic)逻辑输入 ③ 内置带报警输出的过热停机电路(过热保护电路)、贯通电流防止功能(死区

  • CMOS比较器

    hematics of the clocked voltage comparator used. the design consists of pre-amplification stage followed by a decision making stage. the output is latched during the latch. after the comparison is made a digital level outputs are produced. m0 and m1 transistors sense the change at the input and accordingly activate m8, m11 and m9, m10 current mirror pairs. depending on the difference in the input signals, one of the transistor pairs will be turned on and other will be turned off. these transistors are par

  • 电机行业常用的中英文对照

    ant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应 solid state 固体 buck 补偿 operational calculus 算符演算 gain 增益 pole 极点 feedback signal 反馈信号 dynamic response 动态响应 voltage control system 电压控制系统 mismatch 失配 error detector 误差检测器 excitation system 励磁系统 field current 励磁电流 transistor 晶体管 high-gain 高增益 boost-buck 升压去磁 feedback system 反馈系统 reactive power 无功功率 feedback loop 反馈回路 automatic voltage regulator(avr)自动电压调整器 reference voltage 基准电压 magnetic amplifier 磁放大器 amplidyne 微场扩流发电机 self-exciting 自励的 limiter 限幅器 manual control 手动控制

  • Active and Passive Devices

    active devices for r.f. include gaas fets, silicon bipolars and nmos and possibly pmos transistors. standard library types for a given process vendor can usually be adapted to the requirement, and are strongly advocated to avoid layout errors. passive devices include resistors and capacitors, which are routinely included in both low and high frequency analogue circuits, and inductors, which are commonly included in gaas circuits, but less so in silicon because the losses are greater. some samp

  • 电子及材料相关

    33、logic circuit 逻辑电路 数字计算机中,用以完成计算或解题作用的各种"闸电路"、触发器,以及其它交换电路的通用术语,称为"logic circuit"。 34、logic逻辑 指计算机或其它数字化(digital) 电子机器中的特殊电路系统,此等电路中含有多枚ic,可执行各式计算功能(computation functions),称为logic或逻辑电路。常见之逻辑如 emitter coupled logic (ecl)、 transistor-transitor logic(ttl) 、cmos logic等。又fuzzy logic是指除了 0与1之外,另插入其它数值,是一种模棱两可的逻辑。即在"是"与"非"之间加入"几乎""大概"等字眼的逻辑。 35、micro-electronios 微电子 是电子技术的一部份,系针对极小的电子零件或元素,以及由其所构成的产品体系,在理论及实务方面加以阐述及应用的学问。 36、microstrip

  • 线路板PCB相关其他术语解析

    1、a ampere ; 安培 是电流强度的单位。当导体两点之间的电阻为1 ohm,电压为 1 volt时,其间的电流强度即为 1 ampere。ac alternating current ; 交流电acl advanced cmos logic ; 改进式「互补型金属氧化物半导体」逻辑dc direct current ; 直流电dtl diode transistor logic ; 二极管晶体管逻辑ecl emitter-coupled logic ; 射极耦合逻辑由许多晶体管和电阻器在硅芯片上所合并而形成的一种高速逻辑运算电路。enf electro-motive force ; 电动势esd electrostatic discharge ; 静电放电许多电子零件及电子组装机器,常因静电聚积而造成瞬间放电而可能发生损坏,故常需接地 (grounding) ,将所聚集静电逐渐释放,以避免esd的为害。rtl resistor-transistor logic;电阻体/晶体管逻辑ttl transistor transistor logic; 晶体管晶体管逻辑 2、batch 批 指在

  • BGA、TAB、零件、封装及Bonding制程

    。 22、die bonding 晶粒接着 die 亦指集成电路之心脏部份,系自晶圆(wafer)上所切下一小片有线路的"晶粒",以其背面的金层,与定架(lead frame)中央的镀金面,做瞬间高温之机械压迫式熔接(thermo compression bonding,t.c.bonding)。或以环氧树脂之接着方式予以固定,称为 die bond,完成 ic 内部线路封装的第一步。 23、diode 二极管 为半导体组件"晶体管"(transistor)之一种,有两端点接在一母体上,当所施加电压的极性大小不同时,亦将展现不同导体性质。另一种"发光二极管"可代替仪表板上各种颜色的发光点,比一般灯泡省电又耐用。目前二极管已多半改成 smt 形式,图中所示者即为 sot-23 之解剖图。 24、dip(dual inline package)双排脚封装体 指具有双排对称接脚的零件,可在电路板的双排对称脚孔中进行插焊。此种外形的零件以早期的各式 ic 居多,而部份"网状电阻器"亦采用之。 25

  • 功率场效应晶体管MOSFET

    1.概述 mosfet的原意是:mos(metal oxide semiconductor金属氧化物半导体),fet(field effect transistor场效应晶体管),即以金属层(m)的栅极隔着氧化层(o)利用电场的效应来控制半导体(s)的场效应晶体管。 功率场效应晶体管也分为结型和绝缘栅型,但通常主要指绝缘栅型中的mos型(metal oxide semiconductor fet),简称功率mosfet(power mosfet)。结型功率场效应晶体管一般称作静电感应晶体管(static induction transistor——sit)。其特点是用栅极电压来控制漏极电流,驱动电路简单,需要的驱动功率小,开关速度快,工作频率高,热稳定性优于gtr,但其电流容量小,耐压低,一般只适用于功率不超过10kw的电力电子装置。 2.功率mosfet的结构和工作原理 功率mosfet的种类:按导电沟道可分为p沟道和n沟道。按栅极电压幅值可分为;耗尽型;当栅极电压为零时漏源极之间就存在导电沟道,增强型;对于n(p)沟道器件,栅极电压大于(小于)零时才存在导电沟道,功率mosfet主

  • 安华高科技推出第一款采用二线串行接口的数字色彩传感器

    量。 avago technologies(安华高科技)中国及香港地区总经理李艇先生表示:“消费电子和医疗设备的设计者需要实现数字化色彩测量能力,因而迫切要求拥有一款结合了更高的集成度、更简便易用、更小尺寸和更低功率消耗等特征的元器件。我们新推出的数字色彩传感器,正是业内第一款拥有上述功能的产品。” 这款新型数字色彩传感器采用标准的二线串行接口和整合的模拟/数字转换器(adc, analog-to-digital converter),与业内类似的可变频率和方形波ttl(晶体管/晶体管逻辑,transistor transistor logic)输出相比,可实现更简便的接口设计和更具弹性的光电信号转换。这款色彩传感器的基本架构以均匀分布的光电二极管阵列为基础,整合了rgb滤波器、逻辑控制核心和支持数字通信的adc增益选择器。均匀分布的rgb滤波器和光电二极管阵列可以把由光偏差或不平整表面所造成的光阶效应降到最低。 avago technologies(安华高科技)的adjd-s313-qr999的感测范围很宽,因而只需通过简单地调整增益设置,就可以应用于很多不同的照明环境。这款传感器所整合的adc有

  • Water Activated Alarm

    the circuit uses a 555 timer wired as an astable oscillator and powered by the emitter current of the bc109c. under dry conditions, the transistor will have no bias current and be fully off. however as the probes get wet the transistor will conduct and sounding the alarm.an on/off switch is provided and remember to use a non-reactive metal for the probe contacts. gold or silver plated contacts from an old relay may be used, however a cheap alternative is to wire alternate copper strips from a pi

  • 音频控制和软开关的放大器

    相关元件pdf下载:bc109c lm380 bd131 the soft switching is enabled by a bd131 transistor wired as a switch in emitter follower configuration. the collector is wired to a permanent supply voltage, the 2h series inductor serves only to filter out power supply hum. this inductor is not too important and may be omitted if the dc supply is adequately smoothed. the control voltage is applied to the bd131 base terminal, the 10u capacitor and 10k resistor having a dual purpose:-i) a gradual charge of the

  • 自己动手制造at89c51编程器 (英文)

    p; follow the steps shown below, 1. to adjust p1, temporarily connect t1 base to ground using test clips then adjust p1 to get 6.5v at the output of regulator u6.2. next first adjust p2 to get the 13.1v at the output of regulator u7, make sure transistor t5 is off or temporarily connect the t5 base to ground using test clips.3. now temporarily short the collector of transistor t5 to ground using test clips.3. adjust p3 to get the 12.1v at the output of u7 regulator ic. figure 1: circuit diag

  • 10A/13.8伏电源电路图

    olytic capacitor 35 volt (observe polarity) c5 100 picofarad ceramic disk capacitor c6 1000 microfarad electrolytic capacitor 25 volt (observe polarity) ic1 lm723 (rs276-1740) voltage regulator ic. socket is recommended. q1 tip3055t (rs276-2020) npn transistor (to-220 heat sink required) q2,q3 2n3055 (rs276-2041) npn transistor (large to-3 heat sink required) s1 any spst toggle switch f1 3 amp fast blow fuse d1-d4 full wave bridge rectifier (rs276-1185) t1 18 volt, 10 amp transformer hammond #165s18 (tech

  • Easy-Downloader V1.1 with SDCC

    t is shown in figure 5. u1 the master chip must be programmed with writer1.hex before the programmer board can run properly. q2 and q3 are to92 plastic package! with a can package, pin positions may differ on the layout. you can use any small signal transistors to replace them. vb1 is male type! all resistors can be 1/4w or 1/8w 5%. bill of materials january 4,2004 10:44:35 page1 item quantity reference part ______________________________________________ 1 2 c1,c2 30pf disceramic 2 2 c8,c3

  • 要用非门,但是不知道芯片型号

    终于找到光藕了部分光电藕合器型号及介绍,ps,pc,tlp系列请大家不要使用部分光电藕合器型号及介绍,ps,pc,tlp系列请大家不要使用本站即将推出光藕部分的详细资料,请大家关注光藕,光偶,是光电耦合器,光电偶合器的简称4n25 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4n26 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4n27 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4n28 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4n29 darlington 6 pin w/ base lead4n30 darlington 6 pin w/ base lead4n31 darlington 6 pin w/ base lead4n32 darlington 6 pin w/ base lead4n33 darlington 6 pin w/ base lead4n35 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4n36 transistor 6 pin dip w/ base lead4

  • keven_lee那篇电流镜E文的翻译,老外说话就是通俗浅显

    keven_lee那篇电流镜e文的翻译,老外说话就是通俗浅显current mirrors[1]an interesting and often-used circuit applying the bipolar junction transistor is the so-called current mirror, which serves as a simple current regulator, supplying nearly constant current to a load over a wide range of load resistances. 一个有趣且常用的双极型晶体管电路就是所谓的电流镜。这是一个简单的电流调整器,可以为很宽的负载范围提供几乎恒定的电流。[2]we know that in a transistor operating in its active mode, collector current is equal to base current multiplied by the ratio β. we also know that the ratio betwe

  • 硬件工程师面试试题

    cuit design-beijing-03.11.09) 25、to design a cmos invertor with balance rise and fall time,please define the ration of channel width of pmos and nmos and explain? 26、为什么一个标准的倒相器中p管的宽长比要比n管的宽长比大?(仕兰微电子) 27、用mos管搭出一个二输入与非门。(扬智电子笔试) 28、please draw the transistor level schematic of a cmos 2 input and gate and explain which input has faster response for output rising edge.(less delay time)。(威盛笔试题circuit design-beijing-03.11.09) 29、画出not,nand,nor的符号,真值表,还有transistor level的电路。(infineon笔 试) 30、画出cmos的图,画出tow-

  • Analog IC Design Engineer

    al conferences in the areas of data storage and advanced ic design. specific responsibilities include: - communicate effectively within a global business environment (must be proficient in both spoken and written english).- perform transistor level, analog and mixed signal integrated circuit design of various cells and blocks within custom chips for the hard disk drive industry. examples of some blocks are: voltage regulators, bandgap circuits, data converters (dac, ads), low noise ampli

  • 有谁知道器件上印有UA的transistor arry型号

    有谁知道器件上印有ua的transistor arry型号这个器件(6脚)封装很小,我怀疑是nec的transistor array,但是不知道具体型号是多少?谢谢先。


TRACO TRAC020 TR8206B-BM4A TR70 TR5100 TR4501NT1G TR3100 TR3003 TR3002 TR3001

TRAVELER TRC101 TRC102 TRF1123 TRF1212 TRF1223 TRF2432 TRF2436 TRF3701 TRF3702





* 型号
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